Tuesday, December 2, 2014

What's next?

It's been really emotional these last couple of weeks.  I feel as though I'm in a nightmare that I can't wake up from.  I was finally starting to get excited about this pregnancy.  My mind was racing over how excited our parents were going to be at Christmas when we told them that we going to finally have a baby and how fun it would be to plan summer birthday parties at the pool.   I took four pregnancy test to make sure that I was pregnant.  I was doing really well except for the exhausted feelings that I was having.  I noticed some spotting at the beginning of the week and then yesterday morning I had even more.  So, I called my neighbor to sit with my kiddos and called my dr., who was able to work me in.  So we go, and I had been preparing myself for the worst.  They wanted to get a result for themselves so I give them what they needed.  My dr. came in to start asking me questions and how all of this went.  She told me that they got a negative result I told her that I had four positives one Monday and Wednesday and then two Saturday morning.  Then she said this was another miscarriage and then said she wanted us to go to a fertility specialist to get more test and blood work to figure out what was really going on.

Yesterday we went to our first fertility appointment.  I had been really nervous and almost to the point to get back on birth control to give my body some time to heal.   I have to say I was really impressed with the nurses, staff, and my dr at Fertility Associates of Memphis.  They were all so nice to us and for a dr to sit and talk to a patient for over 10 minutes was wonderful.  He actually talked to us for over 30-45 minutes and seemed really concerned as to why I kept miscarrying.   He ordered blood work and an ultrasound to check out how my organs were looking since the last miscarriage two weeks ago.   The lady drew about 12 tubes from me and 1 from Andrew.  They will test for genetic issues as well as hormone levels.  Drawing so much blood from me, made me feel bad for the rest of the day.  I did manage to finally get up all our Christmas decorations since it helps with the pain and sorrow we have experienced during the month of November. 

I pray that this fertility road we are going on will not be a long one.  Miscarriage is tough and I don't want to go through another one.  I have had some great friends who have encouraged me and allowed me to cry with them on the phone as they told me their story.  I know everything has a purpose and a place.  I hope I can encourage someone else one day that may be going through the same. 

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