We have returned home from Thailand, and I'm already trying to figure out when I can go back. I had a great time and had some real eyeopeners. It was a great trip, and I learned about myself and have never been this far out of the country. I met some amazing people and ate some wonderful food that I cannot wait to share with Andrew. Many people tried to talk me out of going due to the miscarriage and the government issues that were going on in Thailand. I was very determined to go on this trip due to all the heartache Andrew had experienced the few weeks before. We were trying to move to Nashville to be closer to Andrew's bus pick-up. We finally got an offer accepted on the house we wanted in Nashville with the promise we could selling our home here within a few days. We had quite a few people interested and were given offers, but nothing like we wanted out of our house. So we lost our house in Nashville and decided to take ours off the market. We are not sure as to why we couldn't sell the house and make want we needed to move. I know we are both heartbroken, but God will use this for His purpose. Andrew was happy that I could go in this trip and have fun since everything seemed to not be going in the way we wanted it to go. I also had $500 left on my trip balance the week before. It was not in our budget for us to pay for it out of pocket. The whole week before, all I could do was to pray that the money would come in. I got a phone call from Stephen, our Mission's Pastor, the day before we left telling me that my trip balance had been paid in full. I owed nothing. I was in shock for hours because my prayer had been answered. I kept telling Andrew that if God really wanted me to go on this trip then the money would come, and it did even if it was the day before. I couldn't cry because I was so shocked. This made me even more excited to go to Thailand. The first night there I realized that I'm a very spoiled American due to
the size of our room and how it was not extravagant hotel that I like
to stay in. I was not fully prepared for what God had in store for me
during this trip. We left on Sunday, June 8th and flew back on Friday
June 20th. My heart is completely changed for international missions and for the people I met. I took over 800 photos on this trip and printed over 500. I can say I got a little picture happy.

Holly and Stephen.
This is Maggie my room mate!

These photos were somewhere over Russia, and the screen showed about where we were on our flight. It was beautiful!!
This is in Tokyo! I can now say I've been to Japan!
The flights were good. We had a little turbulence on the flight from Tokyo to Bangkok due to the rain storm that we were flying over. They fed us good on these flights. I felt like we were eating every two hours! Delta is the way to go if you're going to fly international!