The river is still coming in, and it's not letting up. This is the highest we have ever seen and due to all the flooding the casinos have decided to close for the next two weeks. It great in one way but scary in another. Great because Andrew and I need time together. Bad because will Andrew still have a job after all is said and done. I have some worry, but I know the main reason they hired Andrew is because it was cheaper on the casino to have an in house LD then contract one out. Last night we went on a date and ran a few errands. He got a call to come help sandbag at the Horseshoe casino. He said that since they are not working that he would go. He took the camera with him, and I'm glad he did. I'll post those pictures tonight. As I'm sitting here on the couch, there's an on going roll across the bottom of the TV of all the roads that are closed in the area. It's unreal how much water the area is getting. I know that I have never seen the river this high since we have been here. The news is saying that this could be the highest the river has gotten in over 70 years. All we can do is pray that it doesn't reach our house!
I have been wanting to write this for a while now but didn't know when would be the best time until now. We all need a little encouragement every once in a while. I try to every day at school they offer us a word of encouragement. I try to get one everyday I see the container of them, and I also try to keep them. I have a huge stack somewhere but here are a few that I have:
"Heavenly Father, Draw me to the tenderness of Your unconditional love, the sweetness of Your everlasting mercy and the balm of Your unbounded forgiveness." Paraphrased from Jan Karon
"Two marks of a Christian: give and forgive." Unknown
"Christ doesn't patch you up, He makes you new!" Unknown
"You will never need more that God will supply." Unknown
"Faith is the direction our feet start moving when we find out that we are loved by God," Fredrick Buechner
"Lord, Help me to bless others as you have blessed me. Amen."Unknown
"We follow God, not because of what we see but because of what we believe." S. Foster
"Thank God for His persistence." Unknown
"I will lift up my eyes... my help comes from the Lord." Psalm 121:1-2
"The ways of God are without fault. The Lord's words are pure. He is a shield to those who trust Him." Psalm 18:30
"Fear knocked. Faith answered. No one was there." Unknown
I feel truly blessed by getting to go to a school that cares so much for their students' faith and trust in God. They show so much encouragement to us especially when finals are about to start. It felt good to know that our instructors and staff pray for us over the hardest times of the trimester. I love going to Baptist College of Health Sciences. I thank God for allowing me to go there. I hope this has encouraged you in some way!