First off, I want to tell you what Andrew got me. He isn't very good at keeping secrets from me. Some how or another, I have been able to figure it out. The first year we were dating on my birthday I told him something that made me feel awful after I
opened my present. He told me that what he got me was something that would make me want to kiss him, and I told him that the last time I had heard that line it was gold and I hated it not knowing that Andrew had gotten me a gold promise ring. He called my sister and asked her what she thought. She reassured him that I would love it in which I did! I still wear it today on my right hand.
So, when he told me that he had bought my gift, I went to look at our checking account to see how much he had spent and where to see if I could figure it out. I had no idea because he bought my gift from a lighting and sound company. I kept thinking what do I need from a lighting and sound company. Once it came in, he took it to work to keep me from snooping. On the 19, we decided to swap gifts. We wanted to share those moments together alone now since we are married. I opened the box and saw Cannon. I started crying right then and there. I was so happy! I have been wanting a Cannon Rebel Digital Camera for along time and now I had one. I love it!! We've taken over 600 pictures since we got it!! Since we don't have children yet, my first two items to capture with the new camera are Jake and Casper.

We had a great Christmas! Spending time with family and friends helps make our holidays great! We went out to eat with some of our friends from high school. We enjoyed bring up old times and catching up on our busy lives since we live away from each other.
Also, one of Andrew's great friends from elementary school got married before Christmas. We called him Feller, and it was so exciting to see more of our friends from high school!!

We spend Christmas Eve with Andrew's parents and extended family from Alabama. Christmas was some what hard for all of us without Grandma Oph this year. We made it through with the help of each other. I received the most special present from Andrew's aunt Sandra. I had given Grandma an Alabama purse. It was stolen from her at a dr's appointment. So, I had one just like it that I wasn't using at that time so I gave her mine. She gave it back to me on Christmas Eve. I was so happy to see it. I hold on to things like this. I hope that someday my little girl can use it too as we cheer on the Tide! LOL
Andrew and I also helped Andrew's mom with all of her cooking that she does. She put us in charge of making Oreo and Red Velvet balls.

There is also a game of pool played each year. I don't remember who won, but I have to say that aunt Sandra got cheated!! I say next they play by the rules, but I think they make them up as they go! LOL

Later, we open presents! Andrew and I got some great things! I got a Jewelry Box. I now have room for all my jewelry!! Andrew got much needed clothes, and a remote control car that Casper doesn't like! It would help if Andrew didn't chase him with it! It's funny to watch.
Casper also got to open his presents on Christmas Eve. He got a much needed bed and beggin strips.
After opening presents, we got in the family truckester and went to see some lights in Woodland, MS. It was so neat.